Useful Websites

Nowadays, Cyber-crimes and Information Security topics are considered as one of the most hot topics. Therefore, we would like to share some useful websites within this area.  
 1.  Security Target   
Website Description:
 "We're the only information resource that provides immediate access to breaking industry news, virus alerts, new hacker threats and attacks, security certification training resources, security standard compliance, webcasts, white papers, podcasts, Security Schools, a selection of highly focused security newsletters and more".
  Security Target has the following parts:
Topics: Information Security Threats : Application Attacks -Information Security Threats, Denial of service, Email and messaging threats, Emerging threats, Enterprise Vulnerability Management, Hacker tools and techniques, Identity Theft and Data, Security Breaches, Incident response, Malware, Security Awareness Training and, Internal Threats, Mobile device threats, Web Application and Web 2.0 Threats and Web server threats.
By Fatima Al-Garadi

2. infoworld
Website Description:
This website is the destination of choice for decision makers for both technology and business leaders. It identifies the important and new technologies. Further, it is producing an international data groups. Additionally, it provides letters and news about security aspects and any technical devices or software.

 Infoworld has the following parts:

 The Infoworld website have around nine topics, which are: Application Development, Cloud, Data Center, Mobile, Open source, Security, Deep Dives, Reviews, and Resources White papers. They also provide a topic for news and News, Blogs, Newsletters, Resources, and Insider. What we care about here in this blog is security and cyber-crime. For that under the security topic we have: the latest trends on security (News) programs and software, and any news about new threat s/w or any malicious threats. As for one of the news we have  “Apple wages battle to keep App store malware free."  Finally, we have a section for Q/A that has all the common and new questions related to security and their answers (IDG Answers).
By Haya Al-Shareef.

3.  Cyber Criminals Most Wanted
Website Description:
This website has now been around on the Internet for more than a decade. Their mission and goal have consistently been and will continue to be twofold: the safety education of all Internet users and bringing Internet users to the professionals who can help with their Internet-related problems.
It has the following parts:
 1. Cyber News: Internet Safety, Internet Safety,  Computer Security and Spyware. 
 2. Cyber-crimeInternet Scams and Hoaxes, Global Computer Crime Task Forces and Most Wanted.
3.  Cyber Law: USA Cyber Law
4. Kids: Internet Safety for Kids and Computer Infects and Viruses.
By Maha AlShaghroud.

4.   Security Week 
This website is useful and valuable to visit because it has many information about cyber-crime and security. We all need to learn about it or read it . Security Week has the following parts: 
( Malware & Threats, Cyber-crime, Mobile & wireless, Risk & Compliance, Security Architecture, Management & Strategy, SCADA/ICS ). Cyber-crime part has several of parts such as; cyber warfare, Fraud and Identity theft, Phishing, Malware, Tracking & Law enforcement, Whitepapers).  
By Shroog Al-Bogami.

5. Homeland Security
Website Description:
The Department of Homeland Security plays an important role in countering threats to our cyber network. We aim to secure the federal civilian networks, cyberspace and critical infrastructure that are essential to our lives and work. 
Homeland Security has the following parts: 
Overview, Combating Cyber-crime, Securing Federal Network, Protecting Critical Infrastructure, Cyber Incident Response, Cyber Safety, Cyber-security Infrastructure and Cyber-security and privacy
By Dimah Alnumani


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  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

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